Got Whiplash? 6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

5 October, 2018


If you have been involved in a car accident, chances are you could be suffering from a common, painful condition known as whiplash. Even the slightest car bingle can cause that painful sensation through the neck, caused by injury to the muscles, tendons and other soft tissues in that area. Unfortunately, such a condition can interfere with your sleep, resulting in sleepless nights or constant waking. We have put together six tips that may help you enjoy a good night’s sleep if suffering from whiplash.


Your first port of call should be to see your GP about your whiplash. They can decide whether or not you require any pain relief medication, and help guide you toward other practitioners or treatments to help you through this painful time.


Sleeping on a flimsy, cheap or unsupportive pillow can definitely hinder your chances of getting a good night’s sleep, especially if whiplash is involved. The wrong pillow could also make your neck injury feel worse by tightening and stiffening the neck muscles further. Ensure you aim for a pillow designed for your sleeping style (e.g. on your back, or side), and a firmness or softness that suits you. Speak to a consultant in a bed store, or your physio/health practitioner about the right one for you.


If the pain alone is not enough to keep you awake at night, stimulants like caffeine, sugar and energy supplements will only make finding those zzz’s all the more difficult. Although they have nothing to do with your whiplash, laying off the lattes and lollies should hopefully improve your chances of obtaining a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep in the first place.


Icing your whiplash may help reduce swelling and pain associated with your injury. An icepack need not be fancy either, simply grab a bag of peas from the freezer and wrap it in a tea towel before applying to your neck. Just be sure not to eat those peas once they have been defrosted and re-frozen – label them as your designated go-to icepack peas for future icing.


From a professional, that is! Speak to your doctor about options such as physiotherapy, which uses gentle exercises, manipulation and massage to treat affected areas like the neck, shoulder and back. Helping to restore your body’s range of movements like this are likely to mean a better night’s sleep for you.


Many of us like to relax in different ways before bed, whether brewing a cup of chamomile tea, listening to music, reading a book or meditating. Do what works for you, as relaxing your body can relax the tensed muscles in your neck, resulting in less pain when it comes time to hit the hay.

If your whiplash is a result of a car accident and you need to speak to someone about making a personal injury claim, our friendly lawyers are on hand to chat. Call our team today for an obligation-free consultation on 08 9581 4339 (Mandurah) or 08 9443 5312 (Perth).


*These blog does not in any way constitute medical advice. Source